Derz no Zecone bEst

OnlE byTcune!

Who needs a Gym membership if you hold bytcune!?
I'm in a 'til death do us part' kind of relationship with it. It's less drama than dating, anyway.

  • teh Gidital Gold!

    Derz no Zecone bEst

    OnlE byTcune!

    Who needs a Gym membership if you hold bytcune!?
    I'm in a 'til death do us part' kind of relationship with it. It's less drama than dating, anyway.

  • MaykEl SeyLore

    Derz no Zecone bEst

    OnlE byTcune!

    Tek all your Monee enn Buy byTcune!

    Zell your dowg enn Buy more byTcunE!

    Sell your Wyfe and buy more bytCune!

MaykEl SeyLore

MaykEl SeyLore